Chevrolet Repair: front end, impala ls, wheel assembly
QuestionI have a 2000 V6 Impala ls. I have had a bearing replaced on the right side of my front end. This solved part of my problem. My next issue and question is that before I had it replaced I noticed a popping sound somewhere in the front when ever I turned fully to right/left. Now after the replacement, it seems it must have aggrevated the issue, because now my front end pops more frequently when ever I turn the wheel right/left. my mechanic wasn't sure of issue. I was planning on taking it back for further analyses. Would you be aware of what this issue could be?
AnswerIf this POP noise is happening when you turn the steering wheel ALL the way to it's maximum travel distance what you are most likely to find is that if you watch the steering linkages from under the vehicle when someone turns the steering wheel to the extreme right or left, Watch to see where the backside of the wheel assembly touches a metal hump on the vehicles frame and add a spot of grease to any suspected portion to where you see METAL touching METAL.