Chevrolet Repair: Electrical / Ignition, pickup coil, smooth as glass
QuestionHi, I have a 1984 Chevy 1/2 ton w/ 305. I can't figure out what exactly is causing my problem. The truck runs fine, but will shut off by itself as if I was turning it off with the key, even while driving. No stalling or chugging. When this happens, it will not fire at all when i try and restart it. I tested for spark and there is none, but power is going into the distributor. But usually within a few minutes it will fire again and run smooth as glass. I changed the pick-up coil, module, cap/rotor, ignition coil, and still the problem continues. Very difficult to diagnose because the truck runs great alot of the time. Any ideas?
AnswerJust for my curiosity, You DID disassemble the distributor and replaced the pickup coil ?.
Next time this happens take along a can of freon and a can tap and hose and spray the inside of the distributor LIGHTLY with freon and see if the vehicle will start right up.