Chevrolet Repair: 2000 chevy tahoe wont start, crankshaft sensor, chevy tahoe
QuestionWhere to begin. well it wont start. i've check my fuel pump fuel pressure. i've check for spark with my plugs. i've changed my battery, checked all fuses and relays alternator and starter are fine. i've also changed my crankshaft sensor. i dont know where else to look and i want to weigh all my options before i pay a mechanic to do diagnostics just to tell me its something simple. so if you could help i really appreciate it. one of my friends says he thinks the timing is 180 out but i dont know how to tell.
AnswerOBVIOUSLY guessing has not worked. What makes you believe that the timing is 180 out ?.
What is the vehicles repair history and what have you physically done and or changed in trying to get it to run ?.
Do you have adequate fuel pressure and volume ?.
Do you have adequate ignition to the spark plugs ?.
Will it attempt to run using starting fluid ?.