QuestionI have a 90 lumina 3.1 liter (not a euro)95,000 miles. I had a torque converter clutch solenoid and ignition control module put in, yet when driving in drive, the engine jersk between 30-40miles per hour and 55 miles ph in overdrive. I have been to 8 mechanics -half say transmission problem, and half say engine problem. One said I need the part called electronic pressure control solenoid, that the tran. fluid is locking and not flowing until I speed past those areas and it stopped jerking. Is that the right part?
AnswerHi Gladys,
I can't say for sure that it is either of those, or neither of them.
I have a Olds that jerked at certain speeds, and it was due to a broken valve spring in the engine.
So what you need is a good dependable mechanic that will do some tests before just jumping to conclusions and replacing a bunch of expensive parts, that YOU have to pay for.
A compression test is what found the valve spring problem. Might just mention it to your mechanics as a possibility.
The spring can be changed without even removing the head, and was quite cheap. Locating the problem was the trick.
I just don't know enough about your jerking, so can't say it isn't the transmission...just can't say it is either.