Chevrolet Repair: torque spec, bolt torque, head bolts

I called the local Chevy dealer to get specs on head bolt torque on a 153 cid engine and was told by the service department that thew did not have that information available. I wanted to ask him how they went about rebuilding engines but figured there was no use talking to him any further. Do you have those specs and will you give them to me?

Gee Drew,
Wish I knew what year etc that engine was. Make it easier to look up.
If I can find it, you can have it.

That dealer thing doesn't surprise me.
If you have a library close by, go to the refference section and look in a manual.

You can send me the engine size, year, what it goes to, etc, and I will try to find it.

Since about 1986, the specs for head bolts are lik XXft lbs, then additional 90 degrees, or things like that, and the engines vary quite a bit.
