Question-------------------------Funny.......... when I got home last night the truck started up. I knew it didn't fix itself so I looked into it a little. First I took the cap off to check the rotor. The pin that pushes down on the rotor was broke off and sitting on top of the inside of the rotor. I replaced the cap and used a new rotor, and thought the problem was fixed. When I came to work this morning the hesitation was still there. Could it be a sensor? I have not changed a thing on the truck since I've owned it, electrical wise that is.
Followup To
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I have a 1990 Chevy 1500 that started giving me fits last night comming home from work. It was a hard start also. I cranked on it for a while, I even gave it some gas by giving it some throttle, but it finally started. On the way home I could not give it a lot of gas as it would hesitate. If I gave it just a little it would go. I could down shift and it acted fine in the upper rpm range. Well, it didn't start for me this morning. I put a new fuel filter on it last night but is still did not start. It didn't even hicup when I squirted starting fluid in the throttle body.
Answer -
NEVER EVER use starting fluid on a computerized vehicle as you can damage the electronic sensors as well as the catalytic converter.
If your going to do a DANGEROUS and RISKY test of pouring fuel in the engine, Use gasoline.
You FIRST need to determine if you are getting any ignition to the spark plugs when you are trying to start it.
let me know if you have IGNITION and if the CHECK ENGINE light is or has been illuminating on the dash panel.
What mechanical work or ANY kind of work has been performed on the vehicle recently ?. As most problems that occur after a recent repair was made can be traced back to the area of where the repair was made as a vacuum line may have been knocked loose or a wire connection came loose, Look around in the area where work was performed.
AnswerIs the ignition coil mounted on TOP of the distributor cap or is it seperate from the cap ?.
If it IS an external coil, Check the coil wire for damage at BOTH ends and also check and test the ignition coil itself.
did you pull ALL the spark plugs to be sure that one or more is not carbon fouled or possibly could have a hairline carck in the glass portion of the plug itself.
Also checl all the spark plug wire ends where they go into the cap and onto the spark plugs for unusual color.
An easy way to check for worn out cracked spark plug wires is to use a spray MIST setting of a windex bottle full of water and start the truck up at night and after it warms up start spraying water on the wires and around the spark plugs. If you see sparks arching, You found your problem.