Question1990 chevy trk no fire no fuel motor turns over fine has throttle body cuold it be control mod in dist.
AnswerWhat mechanical work has been done on the vehicle lately ?.
What size engine ?. How EXACTLY did you determine that the coil is GOOD ?. What were your coil ohm readings ?.
How EXACTLY did you determine that you have NO FUEL ?. Did you check the line for fuel pressure and fuel volume ?. What was the pressure reading and approx how much, If any, Fuel volume did you get ?.
When you first turn ON the ignition switch to the ON position, Without cranking the engine, Can you hear the electric fuel pump running in the fuel tank for ONLY 10 seconds and then stop ?.
E-mail me a picture of the engine as a visual look is very helpful. E-mail it to me at:
[email protected]
Answer ALL of the above questions so we can perform some additional tests.