Chevrolet Repair: 1985 S10 2.8 Blazer 4x4, rear view mirror, fuse box

hey I was wanting to know is there a different fuse box
I can get to for my speed gauge my oil gauge gas guage and rpm guage

Also could it have been my dome lights or my air conditioner that could had been on to drain my battery while the vehicle is off.

Because I took back my battery and got a better battery and
they said that something was draining my battery so I went
ahead and put the new battery in and turned every thing that could have been on off and it has been 2 days so far and I started it every morning to see if it would start and it has so i will tell you by Friday if it still is starting! Because member when I said that it took 2 to 3 day before it drained will see if it does or doesnt.

Hello Jeff,
The air conditioner is off when the key is off.
The dome light is a possibility, as well as the map lights sometimes found in the bottom edge of the rear view mirror.
Aftermarket stereo systems, and alarm systems are often the cause of battery drain.
Glove compartment light also.
Looking into the car when it is real dark should be able to see if a light is on. Don't open the door, or you will turn them on, but just look it over real good from the outside.

If you can't see any on, open things like the trunk, hood, and glove compartment, and as you open each, very quickly reach in and touch the light bulb to see if it is hot. Of course, it will heat up pretty quick, but if you touch it real soon after opening the door, you should be able to tell that it is getting hotter as you sit there.

Some of the hood, and trunk lid lights come on as they are tipped, and if out of adjustment, may stay on all the time, or just when parked in a certain direction, like facing uphill, or facing downhill.

Then, there is always the possibility that the alternator has a bad diode, which will drain the battery.

Here is a link on locating battery drains, but I think I covered most of them.

Good luck,
