Chevrolet Repair: Oil in radiator, blown head gasket, celebrity station
QuestionThe coolant in the radiator has turned into a gray oily gooey mess. The oil in the engine seems to be fine. Do I have a blown head gasket?It's a 1987 Chevy Celebrity Station Wagon, V6. The last major repair was when the timing chain broke; the valves had to be replaced too. That was 2 years ago and I noticed some oil in the expasion tank at that time.
AnswerHello Cliff, The only way oil can get into the radiator is if someone put it there OR you have a crack in the engine block. The crack would have to be at a oil galley to use oil pressure to force oil into the cooling system. Coolant wouldn't go back into the oil because there isn't enough pressure.
Hope this helps !!