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I have a 1990 Chevy P/U,2500,4x4, 350ci, TBI, TH700R4.I was driving my truck one day and i parked it, and came out about an hour later and tried to start it.It would barely run, it acted like it was flooding out or didnt have enough spark. so i let it sit for about an hour and tried to start it again and it wouldnt even fire, so i checked for spark at the coil and had none. i have power to the coil but no power to the distributor. i swapped the coil and distributor with good ones and still no power to the distributor.I checked all fuseable links that i could find and they are good. what could my problem be ? please help!
Answer -
Hello Shane,
I assume you have checked to see if the rotor is turning?
I would say that has an EST(electronic spark timing) distributor.
The four wire connector has a ground wire, a distributor refference pulse to the ecm, a signal wire from the ecm, and a spark timing wire from the ecm. It is brown, and is the wire you unhook to set the timing.
The ignition power is fed through the connector between the coil and distributor, and is the same as the power going to the coil.
You might try unhooking that tan/black timing connector, or see if it happens to already be unhooked. The connector in that wire may be beside the brake master cylinder.
i have tried everythiing i can without using a scanner.... yes the rotor is turning and it does have electronic ignition...the lead wire to set the timing is plugged in.... it would still fire if the lead wire was unplugged...... anyhow i know all my components are good eg. coil, distributor, module, and ecm.... it was running fine then i shut it off and went to start it about an hour later and it was acting like it wasnt getting full spark, then i went to start it about two hours later and it didnt fire at all.. it kinda sounds like an electrial problem to me.
AnswerHello Shane,
You say still no power to the you mean battery power or spark?
If you have ignition/battery voltage at both, you could try to clamp a battery jumper cable to the distributor housing, and the other end to a known good ground, like the battery ground.
I doubt that's the problem, since you swapped distributors, but there is a ground wire in the harness, so worth a shot.
You didn't mention swapping the ECM.