Chevrolet Repair: electronic 4x4 transfer chevy blazer, chevy blazer, hi doug
Questionmark,my wife has a '97 cevy blazerLT w/34,000 miles,auto w/ no repairs.the switch for 4hi does not light up or engage when switch is pushed.2hi and 4lo work fine.the 4hi has only been used a few times since it was bought in there anything i can check before taking in for service?
AnswerHi Doug, This is most likely the encoder motor that has gone bad. It is the part that does the shifting, I have replace a couple of them in the last few weeks. Before you go for a new one try this....disconnect the battery for a minute and see if it will work. If not then you need to take it in for repair. These encoder motors are not cheap...over $400 !!
Have a Nice Day Mark