Chevrolet Repair: Starting Problem, chevrolet cavalier, alternator
QuestionMy car is a 1995 Chevrolet Cavalier.
The car has a starting problem, but it is intermitent. I took it to a mechanic who tried for a week to get it to malfunction, but it never did. When the problem occurs it is as though the starter is getting no power, but all the lights work. The battery is new, as is the alternator. When I turn the ignition key, nothing happens. The starter doesn't crank at all. When the car does start, it starts fine as if there is no problem at all. The car will go for months without a problem, then it won't start.
AnswerIn most cases such as yours the problem is what si aclled a FLAT SPOT on the starter armature. There are about 10 sections of the armature anf if one is faulty and the starter brushes just happen to stop on the bad section after you have started the engine. the next time the starter will not engage.
You have 2 choices:
1. Live with it.
2. replace the starter.