Chevrolet Repair: 96 gmc electrical problems, factory service manuals, crank sensor


My truck (96 sierra 5.0L) has now been down for over a month with a couple of electrical problems. After stopping and fueling up I got back in to start it and nothing. It would turn over but not start. It acted as it had after the ckp sensor went out on it before.

After doing a couple of tests again on the ckp sensor. It failed the "connect terminals A & B together, test light should illuminate" if not repair ground terminal B. I have gone through all the ground connections and cleaned and retightened them all. The ground nut (back of engine, left side of Dist.& down) was fairly loose. The ckp sensor is still failing test and and giving me the bad ground terminal B reading. If I connect A&B and then touch ground with test light it does illuminate. I am at a loss as to where ground terminal B is as far as the ckp sensor goes.

Also, after pulling a plug I've discovered that there is no spark. It did come back (spark) after cleaning ground connections but has now quit again. Should I replace the ignition coil modeule (is that also what is refered to as the coil driver) for the no spark problem or maybe replace the CKP sensor again. I was told that anything other than GM ckp sensors are questionable for reliability.

The Chilton book is enough to give a rocket scientist a migrain. No troubleshooting of any kind with mostly remove and replace advice. Is there a really good GM truck repair manual on the market. Any guidance on my ground and no spark problem would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You,

You may post this question if you'd like, I don't know why it reads "No"

FIRST thing is to TRASH that useless piece of miss-information called a Chilton's manual. Personal and professional opinion of course. I have over 700 factory service manuals and do NOT own one single Chiltons or hayes manual as, Again in my opinion, They are useless.

QUESTION: How many wires do you have at the crank sensor (CKP) ?.

If you have 3, I have a wiring diagram and a diagnostic test procedure that I can e-mail you.

HOWEVER,  You will need to contact me at:

[email protected]

In order for me to send you some electrical schematics and pictures related to your problem, as this website is NOT mine and I am only a VOLUNTEER helping answer simple questions to those in need and this website does NOT allow pictures to be sent..

Please include all of the previous information already said here about your vehicle to my e-mail address.
