Chevrolet Repair: engine, internal component, intake hose
QuestionI have a 1986 cev lumina, The check engine light come on and when stopped at a stop the car stalled. I came home to look at it and started it up it was running rough when i applied the brake in put it in gear it stalled, so i pulled th pvc out and it ran better but still sluggish then i unplugged the i guess its the valve from the intake hose going to the carb. it runs better but it still rough i did notice black smoke from the exhaust that never was there before ever...can you point me to a direction...Thanks
AnswerYou most likely have one of 2 possibilities:
1. the vacuum diaphram on the air cleaner extension where the fresh air hose attaches has a ruptured internal component.
2. the choke pull-off has failed on the side of the carburator.
Either component is very easy replaced, But you will need pictures of the components and the test procedures in order to determine WHICH one is faulty.
Since this board does NOT allow pictures, You will need to contact me at:
[email protected]
for follow-up information.