Chevrolet Repair: ------------------------- sorry..., orange wire, pat answer


sorry about that it is a 2002 Z71

Followup To
Question -
Hello, my truck is equipped with heated mirrors which are turned on when you push the switch for the rear window defoger. The last time i tried them they did not work (no heat) the rear window still heats but mirrors do not. I checked the 10a fuse for the mirror heat and it was fine. Both mirrors will move in all directions electricly but just wont heat. It seems strange that both would fail at the same time. Could it be the switch? or do you have any ideas what I should try? thank you

Answer -
Chevy has had electric heated mirrors for quite some years and since you did NOT specify what YEAR and MODEL of chevy you have, There is NO way I can answer your question.


Pull the switch out and probe the ORANGE wire for battery voltage. If NONE, replace the switch. IF HAS battery voltgae probe the ORANGE wire at BOTH mirrors.

Let me know and if need be I can e-mail you an electrical schematic, But you will have to contact me at my e-mail adddress as this board does NOT allow pictures.

Contact me at:

[email protected]
