Chevrolet Repair: 1994s/10 pickup, deb anderson, transfer case

when 4x4 button on my 1994 s/10 pickup is pushed to 4 high it blinks 6 times but stays in 2 wheel drive. when the 4 low button is pushed it blinks 6 tmes and goes into 4 low but the 4 high and 4 low buttons both stay can also here the 4x4 motor activating.thank you deb anderson

Hi Deb,
The motor you hear is trying to shift the transfer case, but you didn't say if it shifts into low.
After the shift in the transfer case, the front axle should engage, but the transfer must shift first.
You should be able to tell if it goes into low range.
If it shifts to low, then the front axle actuator is where I would check.