Chevrolet Repair: ecm 89 chevy 1/2 ton 2wd 305 TBI, home mechanic, diagnostic computer
QuestionReplaced ECM now I get no fire. Is there a special process to reboot the computer? If there is can the home mechanic do it? Truck ran with the old computer but ran rough. New computer has the old PROM chips in it as the directions instructed. I'm stumped any help would be greatly appriciated.
AnswerChanging the computer requires the vehicle to be hooked up to a diagnostic computer at your garage. The reason why I say this is because the vehicle will need to be checked for trouble codes. You can change the computer on the vehicle and then a second later you end up with a check engine lite. We always do this procedure here, at the garage. I would contact your nearest mechanic, and have the vehicle serviced.. Ty