QuestionHow do I replace a heater core in a 1988 Chevrolet Suburban 4 wheel drive.
AnswerHello David,
There are several types of HVAC systems that changed right about 1988.
In CK pickups just before then, the heater core was quite simple to change inside the cab, but with the C60 electronic HVAC system, I really can't say for sure that you don't need to remove the complete system from the truck to dissassemble it, including drain the A/C.
The S10 Blazer allows changing the heater core in the vehicle, but the dash needs to be almost completely removed.
I recommend you go to a parts house or Hastings book store and look at a Haynes manual for that specific vehicle.
The public library, in the refference section, has the shop manuals, as well as Mitchell, Chilton, and Motors manuals. But if you get the Haynes manual, it gives step-by-step with pictures.
Some of the parts houses will let you look at theirs if you are going to get the parts from them.
Good luck,