Chevrolet Repair: Changing a tail light, chevy silverado, socket assembly

Hi, I am not a wiz when it comes to auto repair, so I was wondering if you would be able to help.  My tail light went out and I was wondering how hard is it to change it and how would you change it?  I have no idea how to do it, so could you give me instructions on how to do so it would be great.  Also where could I go to have it repair for me if I was unable to do so myself.  Thank you.  I have a 2002 Chevy silverado

Hi David, You can do this repair in less than 10 minutes.

Ensure that the headlamp switch is in the OFF position.
Lower the end gate.
Remove the 2 screws retaining the tail/turn signal lamp assembly to the body.
Identify the bulb in need of replacement.
The top bulb is a parking lamp and stop lamp
The center bulb is a turn indicator lamp
The lower bulb is a backup lamp
Turn the socket assembly.
Remove the socket assembly from the housing.
Install the new bulb and reassemble.

Have a Nice Day     Mark