Chevrolet Repair: Impala buzzing noise, front wheel bearing, shade tree mechanic
QuestionMy 2000 Impala ex-police car, V6 3.8 has acquired a buzzing noise, definitely in the front end. It used to buzz primarily when I turned either direction (thought perhaps the power steering pump was going out), but now it buzzes going straight as well as while turning. Matter-of-fact, the buzzing changes pitch, the more I accelerate. When not accelerating at all (foot off the pedal) the buzzing stops. My shade-tree mechanic husband thinks it's the alternator (which we replaced last April), and is the only work we've done to the car since we've had it, a year now. What do you think?
AnswerHi Marcelyn, Noises are the hardest thing to give answers on without hearing them. The way you discribe the noise, worst when turning this would tell me a front wheel bearing has gone bad. I have replace quite a few of these also. But you say it goes away when you let off the gas, a wheel bearing might be a little less noise off the gas but not gone. The only part of the car that knows your on the gas is the transmission, there have been some problems with the bearings inside the transmission so maybe this is the problem. I think you need to have someone go for a ride with you for a opinion.
Let me know what they say
Have a Nice Day Mark