Chevrolet Repair: Blown Head gaskets again, blown head gaskets, chevrolet dealership
QuestionMy 1998 Malibu ran hot and in August I had new head gaskets courtesy of the Chevrolet dealership. Last night it was foggy and I was trying to get the defroster to work; it would only blow cold air. A minute before I had looked at the gauge and the temperature was normal. I suddenly saw smoke coming out of the hood and pulled over. The car was making a noise when I pulled over. The AAA guy who towed my car in to his garage said the head gaskets are blown. I am in Texas going to school. I did not drive the car from Georgia to Texas. I pulled it. Now I am in Texas a thousand miles away from the dealership and I am working my way through school. What can I do about the car as I have zero money to get it fixed? My Mom had it fixed so it would be reliable to drive while I am here. Now, we are really in deep trouble with me here and her so far away. She does not have the money to send for more repairs as the last job cost her almost 1500 dollars. Any ideas if I have recourse because the job was just done and I am so far away from the mechanics at the Chevrolet dealership that repaired the car? Thanks so much for any advice you can give me. Help!
AnswerHello Christie, The first thing you need to do is get it to a chevrolet dealer because that is where the work was done at home. Now they need to locate what went wrong...bad parts or workmanship. If it is the parts then they can repair it no charge to you. If it was a bad job(workmanship) then they might be able to repair it and collect the money from the dealer back home. They may ask you to pay and then collect the money from the dealer at home. You just need to get it to the dealer for a opinion, with out this you have nothing to stand on.
Let me know what happens
Have a Nice Day Mark