Chevrolet Repair: power window, jumper wires, side switch

my passenger power window does not work

Hello Harold,
Wheather you are working on a car or truck, the steps will be the same.
It is possible that the switch, probably the drivers switch is worn, or not connected. The power to the passengers side switch first goes through the drivers switch.
Both power and ground are switched, since reversing the polarity is how direction is changed.
Removing the passengers inside door panel will probably be necessary.
Then with a test light or meter, see if power is going through the wires to the motor. One wire with switch in the up position, and the other wire with switch in the down position.
If power is going, I suspect the motor will need replacing.
The motor has a circuit breaker inside which tripa as the window reaches end of travel, either up or down. Then will reset.
The circuit breaker is solid state, and not repairable. The complete motor must be replaced.
To actually test the motor itself, you need to gain access to the two wires going to the motor.
A connector unplugged is nice, but the ones I have seen plug to the end of the motor, and are very hard to get to. So if you are willing to cut, and later splice the wires, you can strip them back just a bit, and with jumper wires connected to a battery, connect pos to one wire, and neg to the other. To reverse direction, reverse the connections.
If the motor doesn't work that way, just replace it.
If it does work in both directions, you have a switch or wire problem.
Good luck,