Chevrolet Repair: 95 blazer vortec v6 cooling problem, fan clutch, condenser
QuestionVan: thanks for your help in advance. I have a 95 Blazer v6 and it runs at 240 degrees with the air on. We live in Florida and the air is always on. This condition just started a couple of months ago. It has 98,000 miles on it. I flushed the cooling system, replaced the thermostat, hoses etc and still runs at 240. I'm about to replace the fan clutch and was wondering how can you really test if the fan clutch is working properly. When hot I can turn the fan in either direction with very little resistance. But that doesn't mean that it spins freely. Also when hot when I shut the motor off, the fan does then spin freely for several revolutions before it stops. Someone told me that it should stop after 3 revolutions. Any ideas or other suggestions? Thanks.
AnswerHi Dave,
If it is running and hot, I would want the fan to stop in less than three revs. If you aren't loosing coolant, 240 isn't all that bad.
But cooler would be nice.
Have you checked for bent fins on the condenser coil, and dirt and grass blocking air flow between the condenser and radiator?
I would probably change that fan clutch, but check that air flow also.