Chevrolet Repair: hard pulling to right when appling brakes, dual rear wheels, flex hoses

when first appling brakes --pulls hard to right-makes a nose dive! but brakes well to a good stop --have changed left caliper with no difference--lubed caliper slides - shoes at 50 % ; 95 chev 30 van body with motor home; brake code jb8  --dual rear wheels with 3 1/2 " brakes --could proportional valve be bad or does that just adjust between front and rear? I'm going to cgange left brake hose today --any suggestions?


Hello Bill,
The front brake flex hoses from the frame to the caliper have a little sleeve crimped on them where a bolt connects the hose to the spindle area. The hose inside that sleeve has a tendancy to deteriorate, and fold over in there, thus restricting flow of fluid, often preventing it to release the brake on that wheel.
You can test it by bleeding the front brakes, and I suspect you will find one side flows more easily than the other.
The quicker flowing one will probably be on the side that it dives to, thus the other one is restricted.
Cheap as they are, I just replace them both.
Now, it is possible that you have a rear not applying correctly, but I will bet on the hoses.
You can remove them and try to blow through them, and compare it to a new one.