Chevrolet Repair: mileage, school question, decent price

not sure if this is the right place to ask but here goes--I've been looking at a pickup at a local dealer--2000 chevy s10--it has a decent price 5895--2.2 4 cyl. engine,auto tran.-it has 98000 miles on the engine. I may be a bit old school--question is --is this engine on its last leg or do these engines go for more miles than yesteryear? Used to be 100,000 miles was gettin' real close.I know there is no definetive answer--but any thing would be helpful.Thanks

Hi Bill,
If the vehicle was well taken care of, 200,000 wouldn't be unreasonable to expect. But one never knows for sure.
A lot of those miles must be highway miles, or at least not short town driving miles, which is good.
Same goes for the transmission...see if it looks like a trailer was towed with it, and the condition of the fluid.
Good luck,