Chevrolet Repair: coolant leaks, coolant leaks, chevy lumina
Questionmy car is a 1997 Chevy Lumina 3.1 engine.Several days ago while sitting in traffic I noticed some steam from the right front of the car,I looked at the temp gauge and it was hotter than normal.When the traffic broke and I started driving the temp came back down.When I arrived at my destination I popped the hood and saw steam coming from the right side of the radiator.There are body parts covering the top of the radiator so I couldn't see exactly where the leak is.I put a bottle of barrs sealant in and now I notice coolant by the water pump. My question is,should I have not used the barrs and is a water pump replacement in my future?
Answeryou might have killed it, barrs was a logical choic but i would have loacated the leak first. and you might need to still find it and the repair it and flush the entire system. then refill and see if your work holds, if you did do damage i would say yes a water pump is in your futrue. but hopefully you didnt damagaeit..
keep me posted