Chevrolet Repair: My Car Sputters when ever it rains or is humid out., chevy caviler, radiator leak
QuestionWhat in the world would make my car sputter when it rains or gets really humid outside? It starts fine then goes to sputtering. I thought it was my injectors, so I put some injector cleaner in my tank and filled her up, and well that was like two weeks ago. And just last night it rained and once again my car was sputtering this morning when I was on my way to school. After like maybe two or three minutes of sputtering the check engine light comes on... It does hesitate occasionally during regular weather too occasionally, it's just when it rain's it's the worst. i have no clue, you help would be very helpful.
Thank you for your time,
Christopher M. Jarman
PS the car is a 1999 Chevy Caviler and has about 66,000 miles on it.
Answerfinicky car, hmm, could kick it in the rear bumper every morning. but sounds like wires or the igntion coils are getting wet. i know when i had a radiator leak it sprayed fluid on my coils and the car sputtered and stalled, also it still does when it rians bad and water get kicked up in there. i did manage to wedge a plastic plate squarish and prevent it from geting wet but i sorta melted. im thinking about metal now.. lol but as for an imediate fix get wire dry in a spry bottle and spray the wires, harnesses and what not. that might help or do nothing at all. check you air filters and try a higher grade gas, gasp more mony to that evil pump. but my car is tempermaental. it has to have mid or high grade gas or it sputters. and 'she" has to be taken care of.. well if i think of anything else, oh yeah once my car sputtered and i got mad poped the trunk and jumped up and down on the rear bumper, and got in and that thing ran great after that. go firgure.. it free and worth a try!!! if any damagae is incuured it your own fault for listening to me, not mine... ok??
keep me posted