Chevrolet Repair: 1988 Chevy Celebrity torque converter, torque converter clutch, gas receipts

I have an 88 Celebrity, V6, 2.8.  I recently happend to noticed that the car is not shifting into the highest gear.  It appears the torque converter is not engaging.  I went back through my gas receipts (where I write down the odometer readings) and noticed that about 6 months ago the gas mileage dropped from an average of 27 mpg to 22 mpg.
Is there some kind of sensor or (hopefully) a relatively simple remedy for this?

Hi Bill, The brake pedal has 2 switches and one of them is for the cruise control and the trans torque clutch. The other is for the brake lights. I think that if the one for the TCC is bad you won't have your torque converter clutch. I would check both of these switches,maybe even replace them.
