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if you can help i know this is not a 60/70's muscle car but i am trying to
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3 things it needs, 1, compression, 2,combustible mixture, 3, proper ignition timing. 1 or more IS missing. I know you say you have those 3, but, 1 is missing! What event caused the No start?
my buddy was driving it and he said it just sputtered out and died. ive definately got fire (blue spark from sparkplug to block) got fuel (took off fuel line from carburetor and turned the key gas shot out like a geyser. plus tried starting fluid) compression good about 140-145.
still at a lost. ive checked all the fuses. still no luck... is there any relays or wires that i can check i called a mechanic and he say those three things and it should at least fire over.?
have a 86 chevy c/10 stepside and i cant get it to start
it whirls over just fine ive checked the timing chain not broke, nor jumped time still lined up i hade the modulator tested and the coil i ve got new wires, new spark plugs, new cap and rotor. it gets fire and it gets gas (even tried starting fluid) it gets compression. im out of ideas. Can you please help?
AnswerOK, You've got fire, so why look at fuses/relays,etc.?? You've got compression, but is the timing correct, and is there actually fuel in the carb. bowl? Needle/seat stuck closed, or in-carb. filter plugged, if installed? It's something real simple, believe me!