Chevrolet Repair: Trouble starting, chevy s10, coil wire

I have a 1989 Chevy-S10 and it suddenly won't start. Tried jumping it for an hour, charging the battery overnight and still not turning over. The starter is working and it's just not turning over. I'm getting check engine lights and still getting a battery light. I'm going to put a new battery in but I doubt thats it. What else might it be? I'll note I'm in NY so it's a bit cold. Water in the gas maybe? THANKS!

Hi Rich, I take it that the engine is cranking over but not firing on any cylinders. Try this, spray some carb cleaner into the area where the fuel injectors are and then crank the engine. If it now trys to start your problem is in the fuel system, possible bad fuel pump. If it stills does nothing then remove the ignition coil wire from the coil and now crank the engine while watching the coil, you should see sparks.If you don't then the problem is in the ignition system, possible bad coil.

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