QuestionThe front passender brake started to stick about 6 months ago. I replaced the rotor, calipher, and the pads. The brakes worked ok, but I still noticed an occassional slight tug on that side. Also, sometimes but not always,I noticed that it would stick slightly whenever I came to a stop and not release immediately after I released the brakes. Now, it is doing the same thing as before. The brake gets stuck and will not release until it has been standing still for awhile. I have bled the brakes, checked the master cylinder for leakage, and the ABS solenoid wires to make sure that I have good contact. In your experience, have you ever dealt with a similar situation? If so, would you please advise me on how to fix this problem. Thank you very much. Larry
AnswerHello Larry,
I sure have come across that.
I have found the flex hoses plugged at the metal sleeve where it bolts to the spring tower.
To check for it, jack the wheel up so you can rotate it, apply the brakes, and then see if it is locked up.
Immediately loosen the bleeder screw and see if it releases.
If it does, then the fluid is not getting back through that area.
If you REALLY want to narrow it down to there, do the same jacking and application, but rather than loosening the bleeder screw, crack the line fitting at the frame end of the hose. If it does NOT release the pressure there, but then the bleeder screw does, you found your culprit for sure.
But I have replaced several of those hoses, and even cut them open out of curiosity.
Good luck,