Chevrolet Repair: Electrical Probs with Starter, chevy camaro, starter solenoid

Thank you for listening...First let me tell you my situation....I am driving a 1993 Chevy Camaro v-6 3.4L.....About two months ago my starter went out and I replaced it.....Around Christmas eve, I noticed the car was slow at turning over....So I had the battery checked out and bought another one.   The next day the starter was still having difficulty turning was slow....I had the alternator checked by three different places and no one could find a prob....About two weeks ago it started to where the car would hardly turn over the first time and usually would on the third try....Now when I turn the key  I hear the solenoid click but thats all after about 15 trys it eventually starts severly slow....  I hear no grinding or nothing like a typical starter there a special electrical area I need to check Maybe a ground...What would you advise and whats a good test to rule different things out....
Thanks for all you help;

hi Tom!  The only thing you can check is for loose connections on the starter solenoid.  It sounds like the starter or bendix is defective.  I would have the starter tested.  I cant think of anything else that would cause this.  Good luck on it, and if I can help you in any other way, please do not hesistate to ask.
