Chevrolet Repair: 700R4 Tranny, drive shaft, roll pin

i have a 87 rs camero,that had sat for a month while i was rebuilding the rearend after it was ready  to roll,it would shift a little hard out of first, so i adjusted the kick down cable at the carb seemed to help a little,2 days later going down the road just fine,stoped at a intercection,went to take off and the car with no warning wouldnt shift out of first gear
all it has is first and reverse,now the fluid and filter probaly need changing and i heard that new fluid will clean the valve body of gum deposites,do you think i have a stuck valve in the valve body or is the tranny dead
thanks for any advise,kevin

Hi Kevin, The first thing you need to check is the govenor gear. These gears will become what they call apple cored. It is a plastic gear and is replaceable. To check it you need to remove the cover from the trans and pull out the govenor. The cover is located on the drivers side right where the trans starts to tapper to the drive shaft. The cover is 3 inches around. If the gear is in need of replacing just remove the roll pin to remove the gear. Install the new gear and drill the hole out for the pin.

       Let me know how make out        Mark