QuestionWhat an adventure to just change a water pump!LOL! This is really trying the patiance of this old caveman mechanic! Short version: also replaced ALL timing components, fired up, run fine, BUT missed crack in primary chain tensioner cap causing an oil leak. How cin i reset tensoiner WITHOUT special tools & "arm" it without removing right valve cover?
AnswerHi John,
I see the cap of which you speak. But I have not ever worked on this engine so can't suggest a specific way to do this without removing the right valve cover. I wish I could help with a strategy to replace the cap without doing the whole job again, but you are in the better position to find one.
Is there a possibility of using 2-part epoxy, such as J-B Weld, and pressing it into the crack, letting is set up overnight, and then see if it has sealed the crack? You could start by using a bit of solvent on the crack to remove oil residue and let that evaporate. Then mix the epoxy and press it into the crack in the cap and ideally seal it.
It would appear that if you remove the tensioner to replace the cap that you have to re-do the entire job!
I have the Chrysler shop manual for the 2.7 on a CD and can copy the 8 pages about the timing chain/tensioer and attach them to an email I would send to you directly. If you tell me that, don't use the @ symbol but instead use "at" or the address will be erased automatically.
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