Chrysler Repair: 92 3.0L timing belt installation
Questioni got 92 3.o chrysler replaced timing belt car will statr but just for second then it just furrrers like its out of time im thinging i got the cams out of sync can u tell or point me too where it shows how too do this or is something else wrong this is second time i had this apart iv been working on cars for long tome but this 1st over head one iv done when i 1st put it together it would fire right up but i put thr tenision spring on wrong so it jump time on me and this is were im at now will start under long cranking but just for second any help will will be great full thanks tom
AnswerHi Thomas,
If you don't have the Chrysler service manual I believe you would do well if you had the pages about installing the timing belt as there are a lot of details. I have the '91 manual and will be glad to photocopy those pages and send them to you tomorrow by U.S. Mail. So let me know your postal mailing address if you would like me to do that.
Have you verified the timing when the crank is aligned to its mark, the rear cam sprocket mark should them be aligned to the mark on the alternator bracket and the front sprocket should be aligned to the mark on the inner cover. If they are then presumably that is not the problem. But if not, then it would be good to reinstall the belt but follow the instructions in the manual pages that I will send to you.