Chrysler Repair: 00 T & C: no starter/no prndl
QuestionQUESTION: Hello again Roland! I went and checked the box over thoroughly and the only plugs at I see are BEHIND the blocks that are below the fuses (in the picture that I sent earlier) on the box....I can only visually see one plug but its hard to tell exactly whats back there because its so close to the firewall. The only way I would even be able to access this is to disconnect the junction box from the firewall (by the screws holding it in place) again, I didnt know if this was wise or if I would mess anything up so wanted to ask you about it first. No other plugs that I can see go to the fusebox.
ANSWER: Hi Carl,
I am virtually certain that you can demount the box from the firewall without running a risk of doing any damage. So if we are going to get to the bottom of why fuse #2 is not getting voltage I believe you will need to remove the screws and check for the plugs on the back side.
Ideally they will prove to be identical to what I have on my wiring diagrams for the '98. The typical precaution in the manual is to disconnect the battery first. Once you have it removed then reconnect the battery.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: everything out where I can inspect it better and other than the two "blocks" at the bottom of the fusebox there are no other plugs. I sent the picture again so you can see these....its not a picture of mine, but it is similar...(same design) and the second fusebox picture shows the "blocks" on the bottom that are more like mine. They are both closer to the same size as apposed to one being bigger...not sure if that made any difference. Thanks again for everything!
AnswerAddendum: How is it going? If you would care to do a rating and consider another nomination of me that would be appreciated. Up to 5 nominations per month are allowed.
Hi Carl,
About all I can suggest is that you remove the plugs and ascertain whether you can see the color of the wires going to the pins of those plugs. If you can locate a dark green/red (like the one that leaves the ignition switch from the 2-wire plug you tested for voltage on the pink and the dark green/red) then you can see whether or not you get 12v on that pin when you have the ignition switch in the run/start/off positions. I would assume that the wiring colors were not changed between '98 and '00 because '98 was a 'new box', and '01-on doesn't have a junction block at all. I hope you will find the wire. If you do, then also check to see if the socket into which that pin fits is or is not connected to fuse 2. Or failing that, you could see if you can find any pin socket on the box that is connected to fuse 2. One of them clearly should be or you have an 'open'.