Chrysler Repair: 04 Pacifica: code 0750

QUESTION: Your last reply.
OK, then there would be no shorts to ground with those 8 wires. So do you still get the 0750 code and you are still in limp?

My Answer: Yes still in limp mode. same 0750.
really pulling hair now!

ANSWER: The cause then of the continuing 0750 code and limp mode which is prompted by it is likely to be a problem with the solenoid/pressure switch assembly. Have you contemplated replacing it?
Otherwise the TCM is faulty

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Chrysler Repair: 04 Pacifica: code 0750
QUESTION: I replaced it already.So I guess it's the TCM.
Can a shop test it off the vehicle ?

The other possibility is an open ground circuit of the pcm/tcm which would be found on pins 9 and 18 of the black/black plug 1 and pins 13 and 14 of the black/green plug 4 of the combined pcm/tcm.
I don't know about testing off the vehicle possibilities.