Chrysler Repair: 04 3.5L 300M: cranks but no spark
QuestionI have a 2004 Chrysler 300M, 3.5L with 137k miles.
When I got the car the battery was weak. Driving home (about a 30 minute trip) the car died and would not start. I have replaced the cam and crank sensors,still the same problem. Funny thing is I am not getting any codes when doing key test. Just sat done. I have read you previous post and not sure what to do next. The ECM has a black, white, green and orange connectors. what pin carries the supply voltage to the sensors? I have checked the ASD relay also.
ECM part number P04896 732AB.
Thanks f for your help.
AnswerHi Ben,
Is that "Just sat done" a typo? Did you mean "Just saw 'done'". I will assume that is what came up in the odometer window when you did the key check. Let me know if otherwise.
The ECM apparently sees no fault codes to be present if that is the case.
I am surprised if there is no spark and you get no fault code.
The 5 volt supply for the position sensors is violet/white and comes from pin 29 of the #2 plug at the ECM which is likely the orange plug (but verify that). It is connected to pin 1 of each of those sensors. If there are no codes, only "done" then I wonder if you have gas/fuel pump/ or an EGR valve that is stuck ajar rather than a no spark situation. I would believe that a no spark would cause there to be a code.