So which of the 4 is the connector plug for the trans?
ANSWER: The 4th plug is probably the bottom plug, it should have a green interior when unplugged and the LR solenoid wire is on pin 10 of the plug.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Used the continuity function on my multi meter, wire from 10 to #4 checks out ok.
How would I check the ECM ground?
If you look back to my original question, this all started with the ground straps breaking. I was not driving it myself, and have only just been told "there was some smoke". As this blew the fuse for the etax relay. I'm starting to think maybe something in the ECM is cooked.
There is no obvious signs of burn on the harnesses & I've striped back quite a bit of the covering.
AnswerHi Dave,
The PCM ground wires are:
on Plug 1 (black/black): pin 9 black/brown wire
pin 18 black/dark green wire
on Plug 4 (black/green): pin 13 black/light green wire
pin 14 black/light green wire
The fuse for the etax relay sends its current to the 8 wire plug on the transmission proper (a yellow/orange wire at pin 4 of that plug). The current is then sent to 4 pressure switches and 3 solenoids and the far side of those items leave the solenoid/pressure switch assembly on the other 7 pins of that same 8-pin plug. So for the fuse to blow the pathway from one of the other 7 pins would have to be shorted to ground, or there could be a short inside the PCM where one of those 7 wires connects. So check the resistance to ground of each of the 7 pins (other than pin 4) to see if any show a direct shorting to ground. It and of them does, then remove the 4 plugs at the PCM and see if the short you observed has changed to read infinite ohms. By doing these tests you can see if there is a shorted wire or a short inside the PCM which blows the trans relay fuse.