87 ny'er cluster
QUESTION: Hello Roland,
1987 Chrysler New Yorker Turbo 2.2
The problem has been incorrect readings on the instrument cluster's fuel level gauge. I'd fill up the 14 gallon tank and the reading would show full, but then the gauge level would start dropping and would show nearly empty after only about 30 miles of driving. The travel computer's DTE (distance to empty) readout would follow the other gauge's inaccuracy as well. Most of the time the fuel level gauge's red (empty) warning light blinks, with one indicator bar lit above it.
The rest of the cluster works fine.
I just replaced the fuel level sender with a new NOS Mopar unit I found online and installed it, but it didn't correct the anomaly. Perhaps it’s a bad ground somewhere? Might it be a good time to send the cluster in for testing?
Best regards and thank you for volunteering as you do.
ANSWER: Hi Ralph,
It could be either a ground/wiring or the cluster. But tell me first is this a conventional cluster, and electronic cluster with tach, or electronic cluster with Traveler?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: My cluster is the electronic type with the Traveler and no tachometer.
ANSWER: Hi Ralph,
Here is the self-test for the gauges:
simultaneously press step and us/m buttons
turn ignition switch on
release step and us/m buttons
odometer displays EIC
To begin first 5 steps press step button
all vacuum fluorescent display illuminate
5 is displayed in odometer
first 5 internal tests passed
to begin test 6 press step button
individual segments are displayed in sequence
verify all segments illuminate, 6 in speedometer indicates end of test
to begin test 7 press step button
gauge scales and symbols illuminate
verify the gauge scales and symols illuminate
7 in speedometer indicates end of test
cluster is good, problem is external to cluster
press us/met button to end test
That is the expected pattern, let me know if something doesn't happen as described. I can then tell you about the wiring check.
Thanks for the rating and nomination.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for the test information. I proceeded with the self test and after turning the ignition on and releasing the keys, I got EIC in the odo but then the main cluster illumination got very dim so I could barely read it. I then pressed the step button to begin the first 5 tests, but got a "fail" in the odo, and an A O in the traveler window. Thats as far as I got. As I mentioned, I could barely read the odo "fail" as the main cluster became quit dim.
AnswerIt could be a 'cluster failure' indication But check for battery voltage on the red wire of the 21-pin connector, and similarly check for voltage on the dark blue and the black/gray wires at the plug with the ignition "on". If those are ok then it may well be a sigh of the cluster being the cause, because the tests didn't start. But whether you want to replace the cluster just because of the faulty fuel gauge is up to you.