QuestionQUESTION: Just bought a used Chrysler Grand Voyager (2006 model) - the Auxiliary Cabin Heater seems to be on all the time even when the engine heats up (apparently between 1/4 and 1/2 on the gauge is ok?). This is with the AC setting on Hi or set to 25-30 (70+). Even when the engine gets to 1/2 the 'blower' remains cold or fairly cold. Is this right? If not what should I suggest to the garage?
ANSWER: Hi John,
First let us verify the year model. Is the 10th digit of the Vehicle ID number a 6, which is for the '06 model year? Typically the export models may be a year earlier in actuality compared to what they are called.
Then I need to understand which type of HVAC system you have. Is the control panel conventional, or does it have a digital temperature readout?
By Auxiliary Cabin Heater do you mean the extra control panel that is available for the rear seat passenger settings?
It sounds like that is what you have but maybe not in which case there may be just a choice between controls for the driver and the front passenger.
When you say he ACH seems to be "on all the time even when the engine heats up" what do you mean by "on": the air is blowing, the air is warm or the air is cold, or?
Do you have an instruction manual for the vehicle?
I can copy pages from the service manual that apply once I know what you have there. But you would also be helped by having the "owners manual" which I don't have.
The engine temp gauge is typically between 1/4 and 1/2, but all the aspects of the cabin heating system are under your control regardless of that.
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QUESTION: Not sure at the moment but it's the model with the seats that recess into the floor? It has a digital readout with Driver and Passenger (no control for rear passengers). The Aux Cabin Heater has a light in the panel/console - orange and next to the oil, pre-heat etc. It this light that stays on - I understand from the manual and a chat with the garage that this heater is supposed to heat the cabin until the engine is hot enough to take over. At the same time if you turn the fan up, cold air is blown in at the passenger side (from roughly the area of the air filter) whilst I can feel some heat from the Aux heater. If I turn the heating controls down (to what would be 50-60F ( under 20c)the light does go out so in that respect I do have some control but the AC doesn't seem to ever take any heat from the engine, just the Aux Heater?
ANSWER: Hi John,
After looking further in the '06 manual:
I did find a section about the auxiliary heater. As you describe the situation it appears to me that you are not getting heat from the main engine coolant source but are getting some of it from that source when the auxiliary heater heats the coolant. It appears to me there is something wrong in your standard heating system such that there is insufficient flow of coolant through the heater core or the blend air door which is supposed to direct air in varying amounts between the heater core and AC core is not properly sending air to the heater core. To check the coolant flow I would feel the temperature of the two heater core hoses that flow through the fire wall between the engine and the HVAC box under the dash. Those hoses should be warm when the engine is warm and should be about equally warm if the flow rate is good. If that is true, then it may be that the blend air door actuator is not responding to the control panel's request to send more air through the heater core and less over the AC core.
The blend door actuator (actuators if you have separate driver/passenger temp settings) are accessible from under the dash and can be replaced and/or removed so you can verify that the blend door(s) are not mechanically stuck.
I can copy some pages from the manual that show where the actuators are located and send those to you. I assume that you aren't working with a dealer/garage that is familiar with the specifics of that HVAC box under the dash.
To send those to you by email I need to know your email address. But if you tell me that don't use the @ symbol, instead use 'at' or the address will be erased.
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QUESTION: Thanks Roland. Theoretically they are Chrysler experts with this model! johndavidrhodes1965 at
In short, can you tell me, if I do say 50 miles and the engine gets up to 1/4 - 1/3 on the gauge, should the Aux heater stop and the Engine heat be sufficient to heat the car?
AnswerHi John,
Yes, in fact as soon as the coolant temp moves off of C that would suggest that the coolant temp flowing through the heater core would begin to add heat to that which is provided by the auxiliary heater. When it gets to 1/4 it should be warming the cabin air noticeably. So again open the "bonnet", find the heater hoses and feel them to see how warm they are and are they equally warm. I'll copy the pages that show the door actuators for the blend doors.