Chrysler Repair: 2005 Chrysler 300C: closeout panel

Does the air deflector under the radiator and front part of the engine need to be replaced?  Mine has fallen down so many times.  It's still attached across the front.  But, further back I just have it tied to the cross-frame underneath, but still it droops.  Can I just take it off or should I replace it?  I've read where some cars can do without them.  Does mine protect the oil pan from road damage? Thank you!

Hi Jack,
I can't know for certain but if it is designed to protect the oil pan I would try to keep it attached and removing it might modify the air flow for cooling in high temp days.
All I could learn about it is that it may be called the "lower engine closeout panel" and may protect parts in that area from debris. There are fasteners that were designed to hold it in place, so check at the dealer for those.