QuestionQUESTION: my car wont start when I turn key,removed and tested the starter and battery they both tested good at the o reighly parts store.every thing comes on when I turn the key it just wont crank over.I made sure the cars in park.The only way I can get it to start now is jump it from another running vehicle.I noticed rite after we got the car that something in the ignition switch wasn't rite,almost like it had to much play in it.sometimes after starting it the car would run but I had no power to anything on the dash .Im pretty sure I need to replace the ignition switch but am having a hard time trying to find one.any advice?thanks for your time bud.
ANSWER: hooking up battery cables to the car to make it start is only a battery issue that's it that's all putting battery cables on a car will do. It will not assist with an ign issue or anything else.
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QUESTION: thanks a lot for nothing.Your response was no help what so ever.Look at my question and then look at your answer then tell me your not an idiot.
ANSWER: "The only way I can get it to start now is jump it from another running vehicle"
Battery issue
I noticed rite after we got the car that something in the ignition switch wasn't rite,almost like it had to much play in it.sometimes after starting it the car would run but I had no power to anything on the dash
key cyl issue both are separate issues not relates
and fyi next time u call some one names check your skill level in this matter because u have zero knowledge of this matter
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QUESTION: i have almost 21 years as a mechanic smart ass!!!! I was just thinking that you,being the master mechanic might help me with this problem instead of telling me what i already new.YOUR A DICK and honestly i don't know why i am even waisting time by responding back to you.
AnswerBack yard mechanic does not count. If u did infact have experience then u would have known what I asked was valid question because they have zero to do with each other and as a so called tech u gave a shit ass wright up with description of your issue and any tests that u have done. The only reason why u call me names is because weak minded liberals cant compete with knowlage and commone sence enjoy your back yard tactics.