Chrysler Repair: Drivers seat removal: 03 Sebring Coupe

QUESTION: How do I remove the driver's seat?  I have rust/corrosion on the floor board I need access to for repair

ANSWER: Hi Carol,
What is the year and model of the vehicle?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Sorry, it's a 2003 Chrysler Sebring Coupe, 2-dr

Hi Carol,
There are four fasteners, one at the front and back of the outside track, and one at the front and back of the inside track, i.e. one fastener at each of the four corners of the seat. There is what appears to be a fastener 'cover' (probably a plastic piece) which hides the bolt head or nut merely for appearance purpose, so remove that for access the actual hardware. You will find then the fastener to be a nut and bolt pair, one above and the other below the floor. So separate each of the four fasteners and the seat should then be free to be lifted off the floor.
Tighten the fasteners to 33 foot-pounds of torque when re-installing.
There is mention of a precaution to be taken in the case where you have an airbag mounted to the side of the seat so let me know if that is the case.
Please read the PS (below) and respond to it.
Thanks for doing that,