Chrysler Repair: 05 T&C: power seat wont move in one direction
QuestionPassenger side seat stuck. Motor tries to move it but no dice. Power is there, and one side does move but the other is jammed so the seat can move an inch or so on the free side and the stuck side won't follow. Could it be a loose wire? Says elsewhwere on this site that there are 4 motors, maybe the one thats stuck has a loose connection? Where are the the leads located? can I mes with this w/o removing the seat? Thanks, Keith in Colorado
AnswerHi Keith,
It sounds more like there is a mechanical blockage to the seat mechanism. If so you will need to remove the seat to examine the mechanism, or first look under the seat at the mechanism that is apparently locking up to see if there is a piece of debris.
There is only one motor for the horizontal motion of the seat, which is reversible. If you check the seat control switch for voltage between pins 3 (light green/white) and 6 (light green/ orange) wires: what you should see is +12v when you request to move it one direction and -12v in the other direction. If you see that and it holds even though the seat won't move, then it would appear to be mechanical rather than electrical. If one of the two voltage choices is absent when it hangs up then I would suspect one of the contacts in the switch itself. There is a self-retting circuit breaker which opens when the motor overdraws its current, so don't mistake that for a faulty switch or wiring.
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