Thank you for your most helpful advice yesterday regarding replacement of the Throttle Control Cable.
I've decided to also replace the Speed Control Cable and would appreciate any tips/advice you can offer for the best way to replace this cable.
Thanks again
AnswerHi Jim,
Here is the procedure:
Remove the throttle cable and the speed control cable from the throttle body
Depress lock tabs holding the speed control cable to nearby cable mount bracket
Remove tie wrap holding vacuum line, throttle cable,, and speed control cable together
At the servo, remove the nuts holding the speed control cable case to the servo
Remove cable case from servo
Remove hairpin clip holding cable end to servo diaphragm.
Remove speed control cable.
Install is the reverse.
If you would be so kind as to do another press of "thank/rate" the expert button, and then this time ALS0 give a "yes" answer to the question about a nomination of me for "volunteer of the month" I would be most appreciative of that. Your response to my first answer to you did not include that step.