Chrysler Repair: 05 T & C: no horn action

hi roland,  i asked the question about the 2005 town + country horn not working from steering column. sorry i should have worded it better. the airbag light is "not" on, and cruise is working ok. fuse is ok, relay seems ok, both horns beep from door locks and panic button, could the clock spring still be bad?  thanks again very much

Hi Greg,
The horn switch is connected to horn relay via the powerbox in the engine compartment. That power box also activates the relay for the other horn requests. Because the horn is working other that from the steering column I believe that is the location of the problem
There is a dark green/violet wire from the clockspring to the power box that passes through a large gray box under the dash on the left side (underneath the body control module, which also a large box with multiple plugs) which has 74 connections, and that wire is on pin 61 of that gray box. When you request the horn you would notice that pin 61 would be connected to ground IF the clockspring was good.
So if you check that wire and don't notice it grounding when you press the horn then virtually the only reason would be the clockspring. The other place to check that wire would be at the back side of the power box where you will find a 20-pin black plug and on pin 19 you will find that dark green/violet wire coming from the 74-pin plug under the dash. So that wire should be grounded there when you press the horn button if the clockspring is good.
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