Chrysler Repair: ac/heater vacuum lines on 86 Chrysler Fifth Ave
QuestionI seen the response to Sheila for her 85 Fifth Ave, the problem is I don't have a black hose, I have a violet, I also don't have a brown one I have a grey one. Could you display this diagram as you did the 85, thank you in advance
AnswerHi Terry,
Is this Fifth Ave. vehicle a front or rear wheel drive? The '86 front wheel drive hose colors are the same as those of the '85. The only rear drive manual I have is for '83 and it does show a violet hose on socket 3 of the vacuum controller instead of a black hose. The brown hose on socket 5 of the '85-86, is shown to be red on the '83 front wheel drive. The hose on socket 2 is yellow, socket 3 is violet, 4 is sealed, 5 is red, 6 is sealed, and 7 is light green on the '83 front wheel drive. So compare these to what you have there if your is a rear wheel drive.
Thanks for the rating and nomination.