Chrysler Repair: engine cranks but wont start: 96 2.5L
QuestionI have a 96 Chrysler lhs the engine cranks but won't start. I took out the number 1 plug and ground it turned the engine over and still no spark. I was wondering if it could be my crankshaft sensor is bad or my distributor cool is bad. I'm lost to what it might be. Can you give a direction to start looking.
AnswerHi Michael,
It sounds like you have the 2.5L V-6 engine. The best approach would be to get a fault code readout from the engine controller. Use the ignition key: "Turn it on-off-on-off-on and leave on" doing that in 5 seconds or less elapsed time. Then watch the check engine light, which remains 'on', to see it begin to flash, pause, flash, etc. Count the number of flashes before each pause. Then repeat the process to be sure of an accurate set of flash counts. The last two sets will 5. Then group the counts in pairs to form 2-digit numbers, which are the fault codes. The last code will of course be 55 which means 'end of readout'. If you get an 11 code that would be the crankshaft position sensor, if you get a code 54 that would be the camshaft sensor located in the distributor, has gone bad. Let me know of any other codes.
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