QuestionQUESTION: Hi,
first off, i am not a native English speaking person, so please excuse my bad English.
I just got a Chrysler 300m, 3.5 V6, 1999 for free because the previous owner was fed up.
I am trying to list my observations so far, this might be a longer post.
Gauges don't work. No Bus message. AC / Heating is pumping air like hell, cant control any of it. Radio isn't working. ABS isn't working. Sometimes the ( forgot the right name ) theft system plays up and engine starts for a sec then dies, repeat 5 times and engine wont start at all. If however the engine starts, then it runs smoothly, tranny is working like a charm, but still no gauges and so on.
So i have been reading on the net that it might be the instrument cluster, a cold solder point, BUT something is draining the battery like crazy. Freshly charged, couple of hours later the battery is flat. Try charging while it is still connected to the car -> no chance.
Sounds like a short circuit, but thats just what i think. And i haven't got a clue where to start looking.
So, if somebody could point me in the right direction, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Otherwise, great car, i love it already.
Greetings, Tom
ANSWER: no bus is loss of communication network where all the computer talk to each other more then likely one of the computers is taking down the network
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: You gotta be kidding. Did you even read what i wrote?
Or are you just using this to advertise your business? Do i get a real answer only if i donate some money first?
Answeryep i read it your quote "Gauges don't work. No Bus message. AC / Heating is pumping air like hell"
Now read what I said a no bus is a loss of commutation on the network that all the computers talk to each other. What don't u understand or what do u think I said?